Carrot Soldiers

Carrot Soldiers

1-2# carrots, cut into 2-3" lengths
1 large chunk of butter
two bay leaves
sea salt to taste
fresh ground pepper black pepper

  1. Find an appropriately sized sauce-pan in which the sliced carrots will fit snugly when stood up side-by-side, like soldiers in an army.
  2. With your carrots tightly packed, put the chunk of butter on top of the carrots, tuck the bay leaves between them and season well with salt and pepper.
  3. Add enough water to come half way up the carrots and place the pan on the stove on high heat. Bring to a boil, then turn the heat down and cover with a lid. Simmer for about 20 minutes or until carrots are cooked.
  4. Take the lid off and let the liquid reduce until there isn’t any left. This will take about half an hour. Let the carrots sizzle gently in the butter for about 5 minutes until the bottom of the carrots are sticky-brown. Serve warm!