sign ups for our summer csa will open february 8 2025 and 9am!
about our summer and fall csa
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. You buy a season-long membership in the farm and in exchange you get exclusive access to Moose Meadow Farm’s top quality, certified organic produce.
Our CSA is FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE! That means that each week, your box contains only items that you select yourself or have indicated that you like.
We partner with a software company called Local Food Marketplace to help us with CSA management. You will sign up through our LFM page.
There is one share size in the fall and three share sizes in the summer ranging from $30-$50 per week.
Only 25% of total cost is due at sign up.
Each week, prior to your delivery, you'll receive an email called “It’s Time to Customize Your Share”. You'll have a window of time to exchange items and further customize your box with exactly what you want that week. You can also reschedule your box or purchase extras. If your box looks good you don’t have to do anything, just pick up as usual. If you miss the email, or you’re out of email contact, we’ll still pack a box for you based on your preferences so you don’t have to remember to order!
You can pick up your weekly share in the following places:
Annie’s Orchard in Clark Fork (unstaffed)
Bluebird Bakery in Sandpoint (winter) or Evans Brothers Sandpoint (summer)
The Sandpoint Library (employees only)
Delivery day is Wednesday 4:00-5:30pm (fall) and 4:30-6:00 (summer)
We are a customer-focused farm and aim to please! Let us know if you have any questions.