we are postponing our party until june 26, 2021. see you then!

Lodging and directions

The Spokane International Airport is exactly 100 miles from Moose Meadow Farm. It takes about 2 hours to drive the distance.

Specific directions to the farm can be found by clicking the link to the left.

Amber Bear Inn, Heron, MT: https://amberbearinn.com/index.html

Clark Fork Lodge, Clark Fork, ID: http://www.clarkforklodge.com/

Huckleberry Hill B + B, Clark Fork, ID: https://huckleberryhillbandb.com/

Camping @ Moose Meadow Farm is FREE and UNLIMITED!

There are plenty of hotels in Sandpoint, Idaho (about a 45 minute drive from Clark Fork), as well as AirBnB in Sandpoint, Hope, Clark Fork and Heron, MT.

event details

We will have a private wedding ceremony; this event is to celebrate our marriage! Come at 3pm for farm tours, drinks, appetizers, games and general merriment; wood fired pizzas and farm fresh food at 6pm.

All are invited to a post-wedding breakfast at the farm on Sunday morning, June 27th at 9am.

what to expect

The whole event will be outside in our beautiful meadow and garden. You can wear whatever you feel most comfortable in! Be prepared for any weather and uneven (mowed) terrain. There will be a large party tent and plenty of tables and chairs. It will get dark around 9pm.